Solar Pawer Palnt (SS-SP001)
Detailed description of Goods:
Performanceparameter (Standard luminousintensity/25°C)
- Open circuit voltage(Voc): 8.2V
- Short circuit current(Isc): 165mA ±10%
- Max. power voltage(Vm): 7.0V ±5%
- Max. power current(Im): 150mA ±10%
- Max. power(Ppm): 1.05W ±5%
- Fill factor(FF): 74.0% ±5%
- Transformation efficiency(EFF): 14.50%
Product Features
- Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells
- Epoxy PET surface seal
- Quality guarantee
- One year warranty
- Important safeguards
- This product cannot contact with stronge corrosive objects
- To prevent the hard objects from scratching the surface during operation.
- The product cannot endure the bending force during transporation and assembly
- Power: 1.353Watt
- Voltage: 7.0V
- Current: 150mA
- Dimension: 92*110mm
- Data under standard testing conditions(STC):1000 W/m2, AM1.5, 25°C
Energy Products
- pvt Limited ( Sharjah)